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The Learning Curve in Photography...

I told myself after years of using a point and shoot camera, ā€˜just pick up a camera and shoot photographs againā€. What I didnā€™t expect is the learning curve and many purchases of many cameras it would be later that I would be writing again. I picked up my camera and it opened another hobby I enjoyed. Painting, drawing and just over all art, what a fascination I had with art as a child. I laugh at myself with the endless opportunities I have had through out my lifetime to make it my career. A full time artistā€¦dream of many. Mine wasnā€™t this need to make it a career. It was more that I use it in many parts of my life and career in other ways.

There are many was Art shows up in daily life. Photography is one of those forms of art that you just canā€™t perfect.

You think youā€™ve perfected your style and another camera with new features is created. To stay the same in water is to become stale. Water is fluid. I found out sex today is considered fluid to some. Thatā€™s a new concept to meā€¦the thought that ones sexuality can be called fluid. How does one depict that in art? Photography? Style? Is this a man concept to use people for their own desire? I have no idea, since that thought is a new concept?

What is fluidity? In photography? Although this article or blog isnā€™ā€™t about fluidity, I understand the concept and trying to achieve it in ones Art. Photographs. Videos. Thatā€™s the concept I am learning today. It has very little to do with sex for me and more how the video flows. Sequential order. Itā€™s not as easy as it looks. Get a gallon of paint through it at a canvas and one understands fluid, how it feels or looks. Throw water on paper and it flows, A good quality ink pen that draws of write smoothly flows. Those of forms of understanding fluid. Understand that concept in a photograph is different that a video. Photographs ā€œStopā€ it tries to catch the moment. Like when a football player is catching a pass. Catching that moment in a photograph, when the ball falls in his hands and he runs in for a touchdown. It captures the moment.

Yesterday, I was trying to make a ā€œYouTubeā€ Video I was painting a square yellow named ā€œSure Swatchā€ Itā€™s like a sticky note. Thatā€™s the best way to describe it. Itā€™s so cool. Itā€™s a product you paint and then put on a wall to see if you should paint the wall that color. I was going to get the concept of flow and fluidity into my photographs and video. Since I was using paint, I took it outside. I turned the camera on and the video is gone. Never understood how easy come, easy goā€¦isnā€™t there a song about that? Affects videos. Today, I am still working on that video. However, I did manage to capture a photograph.

Guess I'm back on the learning curve and how to video. You can support this Blog and Maria Kamon Photography by purchasing her Poster Art.


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